San Francisco - USA Tour Launch

Sisters of the Road USA Tour kicked off on March 1 2024 to coincide with the start of Women’s History Month and in view of a feminist icon—the SS Red Oak Victory. The WWII ship was built in 1944, primarily by women, and is part of the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historic Park. 

In addition to a gallery walkthrough, remarks from the artist Anne Marie, and a champagne toast, the tour invited SS Red Oak Victory shipkeeper Desiree Heveroh to help kick off the tour. She shared some of the history of the women workers on the ship and saluted female truckers who are, in many ways, modern-day counterparts to the WWII-era riveters.

“It was less than 100 years ago that women were invited into the workforce,” Heveroh said, “And we have grown leaps and bounds. I’m sure 50 years ago it wouldn’t have been conceivable that women truckers could be in the industry—and as I understand it today still only make up 7% of that industry. So those women have true grit and gumption just like the women before them.” 

Check out the @sistersoftheroadtour Instagram page for more highlights from the event. 


Sisters of the Road Gallery


Houston - FotoFest 2024