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Resources for trucker women

Below are links to resources to help you succeed in the trucking industry

Membership groups & associations

African American Women Trucking Association -
Uniting the community of African American Women and Women of Color within the trucking industry while providing a platform for development and resources.

Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association - -
International trade association representing the interests of independent owner-operators and professional drivers on all issues that affect truckers.

Real Women in Trucking
Veteran truck drivers offering support for women in the industry through their advocacy efforts.
Mission to deliver highway safety through leadership, mentorship, education and advocacy.

SHE Trucking -
Helping women & minorities establish and maintain successful careers in the transportation industry.

Women in Trucking -
Encouraging the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments, and minimise obstacles faced by women in the trucking industry.

Recommended Apps

Trucker Path -

Trucker Notes - Available on the App Store
*Blaze Your Own Trail* What is it? — It's private a virtual notepad for truckers
Trucker Notes is free & available for iOS and Android.

MyRadar -
Recommended weather app - ‘Keeping you ahead of the storm’

Life 360 Network -
Recommended by truckers - safety and location sharing app